Health & Safety
Tucson Community School remains committed to ensuring the highest health and safety standards are being maintained within our school. In order to keep our students, staff, and school community well, we practice the following policies and procedures.
General Health & Safety Policies
Young children are very susceptible to infections. Anyone with a fever of 100 degrees or above, or other signs of illness, will not be allowed on campus. For a full list of symptoms that warrant staying home from school, consult the Community Handbook.
Young children often experience falls or bumps during a day, especially in the outdoor classroom. Usually, they do not result in serious injury and are handled with simple comfort, a drink of water, or a sympathetic band-aid or ice pack (i.e., not necessary but comforting). When children sustain a cut, bruise, or other injury, staff members will provide first aid and report the injury to parents and caregivers. Injury reports will be filed within one day. Parents or guardians will be notified immediately in case of a more serious accident and prompt action will be taken, including contacting EMS personnel if a situation warrants.
Additional information related to illness and injury can be found in the TCS Community Handbook. Please contact staff with any questions.
TCS is a nut-free school, which means no nuts are permitted on campus. Snacks served at school are always nut-free, and families should not pack nuts in students' lunches or bring foods with nuts to school events. Families with children allergic to other foods are encouraged to pack an appropriate snack for their children, as needed, to ensure a healthy school eating experience. To see in advance what snacks will be served each month, families can consult our school calendar.
COVID-19 Policies & Practices
The TCS Board of Directors and administrative body have created the following mitigation practices with firsthand guidance from the Pima County Health Department's School Community Health program and in alignment with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Our practices, especially masking, are influenced by Pima County’s COVID Community Risk Level, which we monitor through COVID Act Now, a framework that reflects the decreased risk of severe illness and death from COVID due to vaccines, therapeutics, and past COVID infections. TCS uses this data to shape our policies and ensure a safe, in-person learning environment. These will continue to be in place as long as we continue serve young children.
If someone (staff, students, or families—regardless of vaccination status) tests positive for COVID-19....
Stay home (isolate) for 5 days. Day of the positive test is considered day 0.
Individual may return to campus on day 6 if they have been fever free for 24 hours, symptoms have improved, are able to consistently and correctly wear a mask, and must distance during meal times.
Children who nap at TCS must be picked up at 12:00 PM and not permitted to nap at school.
Children who are unable to wear a mask consistently and correctly when around others will be asked to continue their isolation at home for 10 full days. ​
If someone (staff, students, or families—regardless of vaccination status) is exposed to someone with COVID-19....
No quarantine.
Individual must test on the 6th day, post exposure or, if a person develops symptoms, they must isolate immediately and get tested.
Individual must wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days. *Cloth masks will not be permitted for use during this period. Children who are unable to wear a mask consistently and correctly when around others will be asked to continue their isolation at home for 10 full days.
Community Trust
The school community must be willing to follow public health guidance and COVID mitigation strategies. The ultimate goal at TCS is to keep the children, families, and staff safe and healthy -- both physically and emotionally.
Masking is a universal practice to reduce the spread of all infectious diseases, and therefore will always be supported by our program. Masking will be required of our entire community if 1) Pima County’s COVD Community Risk Levels are HIGH or 2) there is a confirmed exposure on our campus. (Cloth masks that are comparable to medical grade masks will be accepted. Cloth masks made with inadequate layers or unapproved fabrics will be switched out.)
Staying home when sick supports the prevention and spread of COVID-19, as well as all common preventable illnesses. If your child is sick — even though they do not have COVID — they should not be at school. If a child (or staff member) tests positive or is determined to be a close contact to someone who has tested positive we will follow the COVID-19 protocol detailed above.
Rapid antigen tests (done at home or a medical facility) can be used as a screening tool. If someone presents any COVID-like symptoms, they will be asked to test in order to attend school. To ensure equitable practices, TCS will continue to source testing kits to provide no-cost options to families.
TCS in partnership with the Arizona Department of Health Services, supports vaccinations to keep your family healthy and well. As part of our licensing, we do hold certain vaccine requirements, however we do not have any mandates regarding vaccination against COVID. We will continue to encourage our families to vaccinate since people who are up to date have lower risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19 than people who are unvaccinated or who have not completed the doses recommended for them by CDC.
We will also guide families case by case through their own questions, experiences and comfortable risks. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time regarding the health and safety of you, your family and our community.
As a cooperative, we all have to do our part and implement best practice at home and school so that we can play and learn safely together at school.
Additional Resources
COVID Act Now: the latest data regarding COVID-19 in our community, including safety recommendations
Pima County COVID-19 School Resources: guidance from Pima County Health & Community Services on COVID-19 (including testing and vaccination) for school staff, students, and families
Schools (K-12) & Childcare - Guidance: guidance from the Arizona Department of Health on COVID-19 policies and practices for schools and childcare facilities
Protecting Against COVID-19 and Other Infections in Early Care and Education Programs - guidance from the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) on slowing the spread of infections in schools
​Face Masks for Children During COVID-19 - guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics on masking as an infection control measure, including tips for introducing children to wearing a mask