Admission & Tuition
So you've decided to enroll at TCS? Great!
Your interest in our school means that you support a play-based curriculum for young children and that you are committing to active participation in our parent cooperative. Learn more about parent cooperative responsibilities and resources.
We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Families interested in joining us should register by July 1st. If you would like to take a tour or learn more about TCS beforehand, please contact Educational Director Stephanie Castillo-Leon at
Please follow the steps below to begin the registration process.
Admission Process
1. Complete the online registration form: 2024-2025 Registration Form
The information you provide on this registration form helps us schedule your time at our school. Please read the form carefully.
2. Submit the following additional documentation:
a. Emergency information card​
b. Copy of official immunization record
c. Health record signed by pediatrician (or chart notes/summary from most recent well check visit)
3. Pay a $300 enrollment fee to secure your child’s spot
Fee can be paid via MyProcare, check, or cash. $150 is credited toward your first month’s tuition.
4. Pay a $125 registration fee to join our parent cooperative
This one-time fee activates your membership status for the duration of your child(ren)'s enrollment at TCS.
Tuition Rates & Fees
Toddler Program
3 days: $615 monthly
4 days: $680 monthly
5 days: $750 monthly
Preschool Program
3 days: $715 monthly
4 days: $750 monthly
5 days: $780 monthly
Additional Rates & Fees
Extended Care: $6.00 per hour, billed each month
Membership Fee: $125 per child, one time fee (new families only)
Enrollment Fee: $300 per child
Snack Fee: $25 a month
Materials Fee: $100, one-time fee
Financial Assistance: Partial tuition assistance may be available to any child enrolled at TCS. Financial assistance is based entirely on need. All personal application information remains confidential.
TCS is DES-contracted. If your family is eligible for services through DES, childcare subsidies may be available for you. TCS is also an approved recipient of funds from First Things First, Arizona's early childhood agency, through the Quality First Program for preschool students; and from the Pima County Preschool Promise.
Contact Educational Director Stephanie Castillo-Leon to learn more and apply for financial aid at
Refund Policy: Once enrollment has been initiated, it is our policy not to offer refunds after the initial conference with the student's teacher or the first day of school. Tuition is not reduced for days missed or when school is closed.